
When you speak with someone who was a flight instructor in the 1990s, you find that their experience was radically different from the experience that an instructor today enjoys.


Back in the day, flight instructors often had to sweep the hangar, “sell” prospects on discovery flights, work strange hours, or drive long distances from airport to airport to accommodate the rare student. Today, it’s a different ball game.

This past May, the Washington Post reported that Pilot-Hungry Airlines are Raiding Flight Schools. As more and more senior airline Captains and First Officers retire from major airlines due to the FAA-mandated age limit of 65 years, professional pilots from all walks of life are being recruited to backfill the ranks. Regional airlines often give hiring and retention bonuses of up to $50,000 to new recruits. In years past, a Flight Instructor would often have to work for years in a myriad of flying roles before he or she got the opportunity to fly a turboprop or turbojet powered aircraft for a small airline or freight company. Even when they did land a job with a regional airline, it was at a wage that would surprise most people not familiar with the industry at that time. Today, Instructors are being hired away as soon as their FAA licensing and flight time requirements are met. They are being paid a liveable wage from day one and have bright prospects for their future.

We offer the best CFII and  CFI instruction Florida!


CFI instruction Florida

At AeroStar we understand the industry is changing rapidly and accordingly, the value of our flight instructors.

Our culture of high quality training and professional mentorship is how we’ve earned our reputation over the past ten years.

Aspiring pilots can begin their training with Aerostar – from their initial discovery flight through their private pilot rating, instrument, multiengine, commercial, ATP-CTP certification, and of course, type ratings; all at one campus location.

Students who invest in their training with us will be considered to fit our growing family of CFIs.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Invest in initial flight training with AeroStar.
  2. Earn your Private Pilot rating, and continue to earn your instrument, multiengine, commercial and CFI ratings.
  3. Apply, and be selected for, one of our respected CFI positions with a starting salary of $45,000 per year.
  4. Help other students learn as you build loggable flight hours toward your career goals!
  5. After one year of distinguished service, you’ll earn a $5000 retention bonus, plus our world-class Type Rating Training (your choice – A320 or B737)

You’ll leave AeroStar with the best possible training, PLUS valuable job experience working with an amazing team.  

Aerostar has long been known as a leading provider for ATP-CTP certification, as well as the popular Boeing 737 and Airbus 320 type ratings.  These two aircraft types are widely used by airlines in the United States as well as international markets.

AeroStar is one of the very first organizations in which a student can travel the whole journey from aspiring pilot taking a discovery flight, to working CFI building time and earning a good salary, to an ATP-CTP rated airline first officer candidate with a A320 or b737 type rating.  


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